I have been in a funk for the past week. Besides the issue with my back, I haven't been able to get back into the swing of my normal routine.
Mondays - Fridays I get out of bed and dressed into my workout clothes. Hit the gym and do cardio, with Tuesdays and Thursdays dedicated to strength training. Come home, walk the dog and then do whatever household chores need to be done. I then do visits, home improvement projects, scrapbook, take care of relief society needs, read, and do whatever shopping needs to be done. This exercise routine gets me going in the mornings so I have the energy to do the other things. Lately, I haven't wanted or felt like doing anything. No exercise, no reading, not scrap booking, NADA! This morning I got up and walked the dog but that's as far as I got. Now it is close to 11:00 a.m. and I haven't accomplished much of anything. (except the daily vacuuming ritual) Geez, what gives? I think I am scared to delve into the whole exercise routing and re-injure my back. I am also feeling a tad guilty that I had to stay down most of this past week. After being in the work force for the past 30+ years, it has been a trial to not feel guilty for not being busy 24/7 after I retired. For whatever reason I think I have to be busy all the time. It certainly makes the day go by faster, and I am a lot happier. There is always a new day tomorrow to gradually work my way back. But today I think I will just not worry about it.
You for sure should not worry about it because everyone deserves down time once in a while. Your normal schedule seems pretty busy to me. You'll get there again when you are good and ready!
Sometimes you have to tell yourself to put your big-girl-paties on and get going. *smiles* Or eat chocolate and watch Gilmore Girls!
Hey, is your back feeling any better? I keep hoping and praying for you. We could take a road trip if you need to!!! You really are the best, look in the mirror and say that every morning!!! Thanks for being my friend well really my sister.
I think it's fine to take a day and do nothing, then try not to feel too bad about it and get back to life tomorrow. No worries. Relax.
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