Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ten Things

Ten things that I Love:
1. My family who are just as crazy and fun as I am.

Check out the face on Tommy!

2. My Arkansas roots. (A little redneck in my blood!)

My dad's brothers, Hap, Bud, and Ronald and sister Mary.

3. My dog because she doesn't argue with me.

Lady and Me

4. Scrapbooking. It gives me a chance to relax and create.
My sister Gayle when she was a baby.

5. My home, especially when it is cold and really hot outside.

6. My friends as they are more like my family.

7. Having been given the opportunity to be a mom. (see the previous blog entry!)

Look at that form!

8. Vacumming. I know it is weird but it is my therapy!

9. Mexico. The food, the people, you name it!
Tommy, Me, Josie, and Iris

10. My heritage.
My Dana Grandparents. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of my Pitchford Grandparents.


Heather said...

Lovely post. FYI-there is about a foot-long blank space after the post making for a looooonnnnggg scroll to reach the bottom to comment; delete, delete, delete!

And I love your hair, I noticed it right when I sat down behind you on Sunday. Definitely not butched, but short and sassy.

Wendi said...

Love love love this blog, especially the Arkansas roots, such good memories. Crazy week I will call you Wednesday before we leave.

Anonymous said...

I love your 10 things. You are pretty terrific. I hope you know that!