Monday, October 5, 2009

Fall Is In The Air

I hope the heat has decided to go away, at least until next summer. Early Saturday morning Tommy and I got up and started our chores so we could listen to conference. I was upstairs making the bed when Tommy asked if I smelt something burning. Well since my surgery, I haven't smelled much of anything at all. But, I did notice that it wasn't very cool upstairs. He went outside to check the air conditioner and saw that one of the capacitors was burned to a crisp. Luckily, it wasn't too hot outside, but by the afternoon, it was pretty darn hot upstairs. Saturday night we opened up the windows and slept in our bed with the fan on. I got up and noticed the fan was off and turned it back on. The minute I fell back asleep Tommy would get up and turn it off. Finally, I went downstairs to sleep in the spare bedroom. About 15 minutes later, down comes Tommy who tells me it is too hot to sleep upstairs. No wonder, you keep turning the fan off! Sunday we slept upstairs and I actually got a little cold. He went and got the parts to fix the unit, installed the new capacitor, only to find out that the compressor had gone out. Geez, how much is that going to cost? It's only money, right? So again we are without air in the upstairs and hopefully the weather will hold out.
I went to the "nose guy" today so he could probe and see how the bone graph is healing. It's doing good and I go back in a month for my final appointment. WooHoo!! So glad to be getting back to normal, or whatever normal was. I am looking forward to my family reunion in the foreign country of Arkansas. You wouldn't think Arkansas would be the funnest place to go, but Wendi and I always have a good time. Besides, she is the only one that will make the trek with me as Andy went once, and that was enough. Tommy refuses to go as he was in the southern states while in boot camp. I guess that wasn't a pleasant experience for him. My relatives just don't understand, but it is what it is. Maybe some day he will have a change of heart, but I'm not holding my breath!


Chelley said...

I am sorry about the air. I hate those unexpected expenses, esp the really big ones! Have fun in your foriegn country! lol

Wendi said...

can't wait, can't wait, can't wait. 2 more weeks, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, people just don't know what they are missing... oh well, our little secret!!!

Anonymous said...

I hate not having air! I am glad it is getting fixed! I am so glad you are healing nicely and things are getting back to normal! "whatever that is" :)